As a man, there are many ways you can look after yourself to ensure a long, happy and healthy life. Making some small changes today could make a big difference in your health and wellbeing, and as they say, prevention is better than the cure.
We know that it’s not easy to follow a healthy diet, what with all the fast food and cheap, unhealthy yet filling foods on offer. But eating a diet packed with the right nutrients can make a big difference to your overall health and wellbeing. In fact, eating correctly not only reduces your risk of various diseases, it can improve your energy levels and mood as well.
One of the most important things you can do for your health and wellbeing is to exercise regularly. You don’t have to hit the gym for three hours a day – simply being active for half an hour a day can have excellent health benefits, such as:
If you have limited time in which to exercise, focus on cardio such as running, cycling or swimming, and do some basic weightlifting. Even walking for 30 minutes a day will have a positive impact on your health.
Cholesterol and blood pressure tests can help you understand your own health. Because there are no symptoms, you might have high cholesterol and blood pressure without knowing, so testing can help you make an informed decision about your health.
Men with high levels of bad cholesterol are at an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. During your test, your nurse will measure the levels of cholesterol and fat in your blood. If you have high cholesterol, your nurse will recommend lifestyle changes to improve your levels and overall health.
Similarly to having too much bad cholesterol, if you have high blood pressure you have a greater risk of having a heart attack and stroke. Blood pressure tests are immediate, with your nurse being able to report your results back
straight away. If you have high blood pressure, your nurse will recommend lifestyle changes as well.
Some of the least talked about health issues for men are anxiety and depression – yet one in five men will experience anxiety, and one in eight will suffer from depression. While attitudes are shifting, our society often teaches men that they need to ‘toughen up’ and deal with it, but this is the worst way to address anxiety and/or depression.
Both anxiety and depression are mental health conditions and should be treated as such.
The first thing you should do is speak to your nurse about what you’re feeling. Anxiety and depression can have many different causes, so be honest with your nurse and work with them to figure out what might be making you feel this way. Your nurse will then be able to guide you towards the correct treatment.
You should also make some basic lifestyle changes, such as eating better, exercising often and spending more time with friends and family. If you’re abusing drugs and/or alcohol as a way to minimise stress and depression, try and cut back, as these will only make things worse.
Chat to your Unjani Clinic Nurse about looking after your health and wellbeing today.