Circumcision: how,when & why
Recent studies estimate that just under 60% of South African men are circumcised.
In this info sheet, we will outline some of the benefits of medical circumcision, allowing you to make the right choice for your health by opting for medical circumcision.
Prostate screening: What It Is, How It Works & Why It’s a Crucial Step In Men’s Health
As you get older, screening for certain types of cancer becomes more and more important. For men, one of the most crucial steps you can take to look after your health is to go for regular prostate screening– especially after you turn 40, or if you have family history with prostate cancer.
Men’s Health: Look After Yourself & Enjoy A Long, Happy & Healthy Life
As a man, there are many ways you can look after yourself to ensure a long, happy and healthy life. Making some small changes today could make a big difference in your health and wellbeing, and as they say, prevention is better than the cure.